Page 93 - Schmidt Yearbook 2023-2
P. 93



            Upon our arrival at our partner school, each student   support refugees. This activity was not only fun, but it
            met her exchange partner and their parents. We spent   also highlighted how we can reduce food waste and
            almost nine days with our partners, during which we   help those in need.
            forged strong friendships that we hope will last a very
            long time. In the first five days, we attended classes   This marked the end of our school project days as the
            with our exchange partners, noticing the differences   weekend followed. Each girl spent two full days with
            between the teaching styles of our respective schools.  her exchange family. Most girls visited Strasbourg or
                                                              Colmar in France, and quite a few went shopping. The
            During our time at school, we visited Einlädele, a shop   shared experience was that everyone had fun.
            which sells various items donated by the citizens of
            Freiburg to raise funds for Ukrainian refugees. Besides   On the last day, which was a Monday, we went with
            the second-hand clothing shop, there was also a small   our  exchange  partners  to  Europa  Park.  Everyone
            coffee shop and a bookstore that used their earnings   enjoyed themselves, rode as many roller coasters as
            to support Ukraine.                               they could, and some even won plushies.
 Dear parents, students and friends  We visited a trash recycling center and worked
            on  a  project  about  environmental  protection.  This   Unfortunately, we then had to say goodbye to our
 In recent years, Schmidt-Schule has been accustomed   Our journey began on June 11, 2023, when we   experience  showed  us  the  effort  that  the  people   exchange  partners.  However,  there  was  not  much
 to participating in exchange programs with German   gathered outside the Jerusalem Hotel and headed to   of  Freiburg put  into maintaining  clean  streets and   sadness because we knew we would meet again in
 schools.  However,  due  to  COVID,  these  exchange   the airport. After a long and quite exhausting trip, we   recycling their waste.  October. And that is the story of our trip to Freiburg,
 plans  were  temporarily  cancelled.  Fortunately,  this   finally arrived in Freiburg, Germany. Freiburg proved to   On the last working day of  our program, we   Germany.
 year we were able to revive the program, turning our   be an amazing place, teeming with lush greenery and   participated in a sharing project. We prepared salads
 hopes into reality.  stunning architecture that was quite different from   and meals from food that most people would discard.
 Jerusalem.  We  savored  the  clean  streets,  impressive   These meals were offered for free to passers-by, many   Yasmin Sidawi, class 11 Tawjihi
 vistas, and beautiful surroundings.  of whom left small donations that were later used to   Lilia Musleh, Teacher
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