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            Distinguished guests, esteemed teachers and       Dear teachers and respected administration, without
            administration, beloved parents and last but not   you, we would not be here today ready to embark
            least fellow graduates.                           on  the  next  chapter  of  our  lives.  Your  guidance,
                                                              knowledge, and wisdom have helped us grow into
            It is an honour to stand here today, representing the
            graduating class of 2023.                         the young adults we are today.
                                                              Dear parents, a special thank you to you all, you
            Today  is  a  day  of  celebration,  reflection  and
            appreciation.                                     have been our main stay at all times with your
                                                              unwavering support and understanding. Our hearts
            We have always dreamt of this day, and today it   are full of gratitude to you. You have our sincere
            is  finally  coming  true.  It  is  difficult  to  translate   love, respect and admiration.
            our feelings into words and almost impossible to
            condense the memories of the past 13 years into a   My  fellow  graduates,  our  sisters.  We  have
            few lines.                                        overcome countless obstacles, juggled multiple
                                                              responsibilities, and managed to maintain our
            So starting from the beginning In a grey uniform,   academic and personal lives. Despite all these odds
            white socks, and black shoes, I can still picture my   we  still  managed  to  graduate  and  for  that  we
            first day at Schmidt. I remember the smile on my   deserve to be acknowledged.
            younger self’s face as I walked up to the school gate,
            feeling  thrilled  to  begin  my  journey  as  a  Schmidt   Our graduation thus, marks the end of a chapter but
            student.                                          also the beginning of a new and exciting journey.
                                                              As we move on to the next phase of our lives we
            Day by day school became more like a second home,   would like to remind everyone that success is not
            our safe haven. A place where we felt secure and   only about personal achievement, but  also  about
            cherished, where teachers and students became     the impact we have on the world. We are the future
            one big family.                                   and we have a responsibility to contribute to society
            Our  journey  went  by  so  fast.  These  last  13  years   and make a difference in the lives of others.
            today feel like 13 days, and yet, all the memories   Nelson Mandela once said “A winner is a dreamer
            and events of those years will always shine like gold   who never gives up” and most certainly we weren’t
            in our minds. I already long for the days where we   born to give up, but to stand up for what we believe
            messed around in art class, our morning photo     in. Therefore I encourage everyone to pursue their
            shoots, and of course our break parties.          dreams, to challenge themselves, and to never give
            The experiences that we have been through, have   up in the face of adversity.
            shaped us as human beings, and the things that our   Finally let us remember the lessons we have learned,
            school has taught us, will help us face the real world   the memories we have made, and the people who
            without fear but with strength, and they will enable   have supported us along the way. Let us be grateful
            us to leave our imprint on it for the generations to   for the opportunities we have been given and the
            come.                                             experiences  that  have  shaped  us.  And  As  we  are
            Here we are standing today at the very end of this   about to close this chapter of our lives, let us create
            journey, still wearing the grey uniform, white socks,   one last memory that will follow us until the end of
            and  black  shoes.  Feeling  excited  to  see  what  the   our lives. Everyone Smile! Class of 23, yesterday we
            future holds, yet very sad to be leaving our second   were Schmidt’s students and today we are officially
            And on behalf of my fellow graduates, I would like           graduates of Schmidt’s girls college.
            to thank you all for shaping this journey with all its                          Congratulations!
            ups and downs.

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