Page 37 - Gay Armada - 25 Best Kept Secrets of Gay Beachwear
P. 37
G AY AR M AD A B es t K ep t S ec r et s : Fu n G a y B ea c hwea r S h o p p i ng Tip s
Prices vary, but can still be affordable:
Avg. Cost of Top 25+ Best Kept Secrets Brands is ~$51/each, ranging from $9–$120+
Approx. calculations of “all-in” Net-to-Door prices (with discounts, tax, $122 Discount Web Shops $XX = Average Expected
Total Net Cost to Door
shipping, etc.) of the beachwear to the U.S. shows the wide range, Special Hon. Men. XX% = Provided, Current, or
but fantastic styles are affordable at any person’s budget $95 Top 25 BKS Brands Common Discount Code
$85 Note: Rankings are fluid and spread for variety – All 25 are remarkable Inc. $82 ( RED = Top Ten ) Inc. = Discount Included in Price
15% $80 $79 $77 15% = $10+ Shipping Cost
10% 10% 30% $71 $72
10% $65 10% = Delivery >1+ Week
10% $63 $58 $55 $55 $54
10% Inc. 10% $55 Inc. $49 $50 $47 $66 – High Cost 25%
10% $46 $41 $40 10%
10% $45 $40 $38 $37 $37 15%
15% Inc. 10% Inc. Inc. $35 $33 33% $48 – Median 50%
10% 30% $27
15% $21 $16 40% $19 $17 $9 $33 – Lowest 25%
Inc. $14
Inc. Inc. Inc. 25% Inc.
Notes: Illustrative only: Data
will likely vary for any
individual order. Includes avg.
current prices of swim
#7. RESQME #3. Bang Clothes #19. Yes I Am #10. Charlie by MZ #2. 2eros #9. Chris Turk Swim #8. Desiderio #15. Project Claude #12. Nathan Ayon #24. Slick It Up #20. Differio #17. Spoiled Boi #5. Sokowear #21. Twunk Trunks #23. Mertailor Men #22. BlitzBeatz #13. Shinesty #4. Caliber #25. Speedo via Amazon #11. Turbo #1. Jimmy Trendy #14. Andrew Christian #6. Maris Equi #18. Gigo Underwear #24. Amazon / Discount TPS HM5. Parke & Ronen HM6. Aronik HM7. Wapo HM4. Hercules-NYC HM3. Garcon
products recommended,
discounts, previous tax
charges, and recent or posted
shipping costs (removed if
free), then averaged across a
simulated 2-suit order to show
realistic shipping impact