Page 5 - Focus on Woburn Road Industrial Estate: Bedford Today
P. 5

All smiles...the team at Franco’s Ices in Kempston
Production manager Nick Tanzarella attends to the main lolly machine Kristen Jasinska packs lollies in the Franco’s Ices factory
Kids crazy for best-seller Mr Bubble
     Uno it makes sense
Some of Franco’s mouthwatering new Gelato Uno range
   A new range of tempting treats from Franco’s Ices has been unveiled.
Gelato Uno
is a luxury dairy selection made with a traditional Italian recipe that captures
the passion and expertise of the Tanzarella family.
Using the finest ingredients sourced directly from Italy, the 12-flavour
range includes Mint Choc Chip, Cherry Amarena, Cioccolato and Raspberry Sorbet.
Gelato Uno showcases the Tanzarella family’s passion and expertise in ice cream making
        Six million Mr Bubble lollies roll off the Kempston production line every year
Ask kids what their favourite ice lolly is and a chorus of young voices will shout back “Mr Bubble!”
“They go crazy for them,” says Pasquale. “You will see kids everywhere with blue mouths.
“We make over six million a year and it is easily our best-seller. It flies out.
“We came up with the
idea of a bubble gum flavoured lolly before anyone else and registered it.
“Others try to copy us, but our Mr Bubble is the winner!”
Franco’s number one best-seller... Mr Bubble turns tongues blue

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