Page 5 - The Star SME Toolkit 2019: Business Experts Give Their Advice
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Wednesday,September25,2019 THESTAR 5
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Building unique relationships based on trust and knowledge
“Most of the questions
I get asked are noth- ing to do with account- ing,” says Andy Irvine of Shorts.
Accountants are unique among those provid- ing services
to SMEs due
to their in- depth knowl-
e d g e o f a business and the frequency they meet boss- es.
wields that power with humility.
An SME boss might ask about anything from pric- ing to property and from
accountant is so important is that come rain or shine you need one.
“And, even if not for all the many positive rea- sons, you will simply see them more than other professionals.
“Shorts can handle the accounts of any SME in the region,” he added.
Cedar House, 63 Napier Street Sheffield, S11 8HA
T: 0114 2671617
export to recruitment. Andy said: “An accountantneeds to know when it’s appropri- ate to give advice and when they are outside their comfort zone and it’s some- thing for another
professional. “Part of why an
‘Partofwhyanaccountant is so important is that come rainorshine,youneedone’
Independen1t advice
Being a small business ity to think things leader can be quite a lonely through and test place – and that doesn’t ideas to make change if the company sure they work. expands. So they need some- And they can say one who can help, guide and things the boss propel them forward – and might not want to offer independent advice, hear. Such as ‘do
Andy Irvine reveals that an accountant needs to understand when it is appropriate to offer advice
The Cloud h2as changed everything
The Cloud has catapulted in-depth conversa- financial figures from the tions, within days past into the present. In the of the month end. past, most SMEs wouldn’t Meanwhile, many get to see their business figures are available results until three months in real time. New after the end of their finan- technology gives
cial year. SMEs access to the Now, says Andy Irvine, “those quality of information that companies that are set up properly was previously the preserve using the Cloud can have informed, of a larger business.”
says Andy Irvine.
He added: “An accountant can bring financial discipline and the abil-
you really understand the areas of your business that actually make money?’”
3 An adviser to trust – but not an ‘interferer’
The old myth that businesses are run by account- ants is simply not true, says Andy Irvine.
“A successful business has a good account- ant but is not run by them. They are there
to challenge and make sure the team who are running the business has the right information, which they can then
turn into advice.
They will also have connections with professionals and businesses and act as a
soundboard; allowing them to discuss a vari- ety of problems, both accounting and strategic.”
A network of skills and professionals
“A good accountant comes with a network of other professionals they can connect with clients to a4nswer the questions he or she can’t. And they need hands-on experience too,” says Andy.
“The best ones are commercial, good with people, understand the business and
they’re not afraid to challenge
in the right way. An adviser who doesn’t visit their client is missing out on developing a feel for the business and the people; success has a taste to it.”
5 It has potential to be a long-term relationship
A relationship with an accountant can endure for years, but how do you find one in the first place? Word of mouth is important, says Andy Irvine,
but choose who you consult carefully. Ask friends, peers or associates, but only if
they share your values. And talk to other professionals like your banker or lawyer. But inevitably, there may come a time to
move on. If it gets to the point where you have questions they can’t answer and they’re
being reactive, not coming to you with ideas, then maybe it’s time.”
Andy Irvine