Page 6 - The Star SME Toolkit 2019: Business Experts Give Their Advice
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6 THESTAR Wednesday,September25,2019
in association with
Businesses aim to take digital manufacturing to world stage
South Yorkshire can be- come recognised around the world for its digital manufacturing.
It’s the ultimate aim, says Jonathan Bray, the AMRC’s Deputy Head of Digital, of the Digital Meet Manufactur- ing campaign.
ries of meets, todriveinnova- workshops,
It’s a crusade
“We want the AMRC to be the conduit for a collabo- rative support network, an ecosystem really. To get the maximum impact for the region, there needs to be a joined-up attitude from all companies and from all sec-
Through a se-
tion, increase workforce
s k i l l s a n d boost busi- ness growth
in SMEs, but, says Jonathan, hasbigambitions aswell.
‘WewanttheSheffield CityRegiontobean internationallyrecognised area for digital manufacturing’
hacks, break- fast briefs, conferences and infor- mal network-
“We want the Sheffield City Region to be an interna- tionally recognised area for digital manufacturing,” said Jonathan.
“There is so much poten- tial in this area and the AM- RC wants to be the one to help businesses of all kinds to re- alise it.
ing events, the Digital Meet Manufacturing campaign is going to start connecting digital and manufacturing together.
Those events start in October and businesses are being urged to register through the AMRC website. Register your interest at
Jonathan Bray, right, at the Sheffield Digital Awards
There are many ways digital ness through specialist, technology can help you impartial
succeed: Robotics and advice.
Automation, Augmented
and Virtual Reality, Additive Manufacturing, AI & Data Analytics, Cyber Security and the Internet of Things (IoT).
We will help you understand how these can be applied to your busi-
Digital Meet Manufacturing
is the AMRC’s campaign to
lead the way in connecting
digital and manufacturing
together in a way that brings
big benefits to both sectors.
There are huge opportuni-
ties in the region to make big impacts and grow business. To do this, companies need to collaborate, not compete.
3 What do other businesses say?
Come and see us at our leading AMRC
Our doors are always open at the AMRC, come and speak to our SME engagement team and see our b4rand new SME technology showcase.
We always want to display the innovative technolo- gies we develop and explain how they can be applied
to businesses.
5 Or we’ll come to see you and your business!
Or how about we show you exactly where we can add value by coming to visit your business?
Additionally, for projects small enough, the AMRC will do five days of work with SMEs
for free.
That is part of the AMRC’s commitment to working with small and medium-sized businesses.
“Combining the innovation brilliance of the AMRC with our commercial expertise to deliver, Ra- zor has been able to compound the success
of manufactures using technology”, Jamie Hinton, CEO, Razor.
“To see the technology in play and the explanation of its implementation, gives us the confidence to advance our busi-
ness in the right areas”, Alex Kelly, Tinsley Bridge. “Working with the AMRC was very
beneficial and gave me peace of mind”, David Flannery, ACS Stainless.
Jonathan Bray