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NALS Successfully                                      professional engineer for employees of certain public utility
                                                                companies; revising provisions relating to eligibility to take
                                                                certain required examinations for licensure as a professional land
         Amends SB 402                                          surveyor, and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
                                                                 AB 87 AN ACT relating to land use planning; authorizing cities
                                                                and counties to establish a simplified procedure for the vacation
        The NALS Legislative Committee, chaired by Robert Carrington,   and abandonment of certain easements; and providing other
        is actively following several bills introduced during the 2021 leg-  matters properly relating thereto.
        islative session. The committee reviews the bills and determines
        what impact they may have on the land surveying profession.   SB 67 AN ACT relating to public works; authorizing a public
        Senate Bill 402 was identified as a bill that may negatively   body to enter into a job order contract for the maintenance,
        impact the profession and harm the public. The bill was   repair, alteration, demolition, renovation, remediation or minor
        introduced on April 8, 2021 and included language that would   construction of a public work; prescribing the procedure for
        require the Nevada Board of Professional Engineers and Land   awarding a job order contract; making certain documents and
        Surveyors (BPELS) to provide reciprocity licensure to active-duty   other information submitted by a person seeking a job order
        service members and their spouses, without administering the   contract confidential until a contract is awarded; prescribing
        Nevada state-specific exam.                             responsibilities of a contractor who enters into a job order
                                                                contract; revising provisions relating to the expedited process by
        On April 12, 2021, the NALS Board of Directors submitted   which the State or a local government solicits bids and awards
        a letter to the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee     contracts for certain smaller public works projects or completes
        expressing concern for the health, safety, and welfare of the   such projects itself; and providing other matters properly relating
        public if licenses were provided without examination. The letter   thereto.
        highlighted the highly technical nature of the land surveying
        profession and the fact that laws vary from state to state.   SB 106 AN ACT relating to property; enacting the Uniform
        NALS Board of Directors requested an amendment to SB 402   Easement Relocation Act; and providing other matters properly
        to mandate the state-specific exam be required for providing   relating thereto.
        reciprocal licenses to active-duty service members and their
        spouses. On April 19, 2021, Senate Bill 402 was been amended   You can follow along with any of the bills listed above via a free
        to include this requirement.                            website:

        One of the greatest benefits derived from NALS membership is
        representation. NALS members are represented locally through
        Chapters, statewide through NALS Legislative Committee and
        various Liaisons, regionally through the Western Federation of
        Professional Surveyors (WFPS), and nationally as members of
        the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS).
        NALS will continue to actively represent the land surveying
        profession while working to promote the common good and
        welfare of the public in terms of professional land surveying

        In addition to SB 402, NALS is also watching the following list of
        AB 3 AN ACT relating to land use planning; revising provisions
        concerning the electronic transmission of certain maps and other
        documents relating to the approval of divisions of land, and
        providing other matters properly relating thereto.
        SB 155 Revises provisions relating to the Division of Water
        Resources of the State Department of Conservation and Natural
        Resources. State Engineer title changes to Administrator and
        does not have to be a Professional Engineer.

        AB 173 AN ACT relating to professional regulation; revising
        provisions relating to the exemption from licensure as a

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