Page 2 - Highbury Prestart Spec Apr-18
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Highbury Homes is a residen al building company of dis nc on having won pres gious
industry awards. Leading the organiza on at Highbury Homes are the owners Chris
Bishop, John Bea e & Jim DeBaughn. Together they established the company in 1999 and
each brought with them a minimum of thirty years’ experience in their respec ve area of
the construc on industry.
The owners vision was to create a building company that treats its clients individually no
ma er their budget to create beau ful personalized homes, not just houses. In doing so
we have gained a reputa on for flexibility, quality and honesty. The owners remain an
Integral part of the day-to-day running of the company ensuring that those basic
principles s ll apply. This wealth of experience, combined with the vibrant team who take
pride in crea ng unique designs, incorpora ng the latest materials, technology and
environmental building principles, all ensure that clients achieve a home with the func on
they need and the look they desire.
Highbury Homes strives to make the building process as stress-free as possible. Our site
managers have probably the lowest client ra o in the industry to ensure the best quality
on site and you will have one dedicated administrator to liaise with from start to
handover. All clients are treated with the same level of high service, regardless of their
In this prestart selec on booklet, we will show you what you have included under your
specifica on as well as provide you with some alterna ve upgrade op ons. We
understand the colour and product selec ons for your home is an exci ng one but can
also be a daun ng process too, so we have teamed up with Kior Interior Design to assist
you in making the selec ons that’s right for you.
Experience the Highbury Homes difference and allow us to show you customized building
without compromise in a home uniquely defined by design detail and quality of
construc on.