Page 191 - Reclaim YOUR DIGITAL GOLD (without audio)
P. 191
Web 1.0 - 3.0 and the dark Web
Chapter Summary
So, while the dark web looms in the background, the
Internet has progressed from its humble beginnings
as a “read-only web” and a simple search of an online
dictionary to today’s highly interactive, socially engaging,
data-rich, and visually appealing content provided by a
global community of creators, and expected to evolve
eventually to a 3D interactive model, likely powered by
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).
In a nutshell, we’ve progressed from “read-only web” to
“participative social web,” with Web 3.0 on the horizon
as a conceptual and contextual “read, write, and execute
web” where everything will be connected.
In addition, we now know that very sophisticated systems
and specialized software are used to mask and grant
access to limited data within the realm of the deep web
known as the dark web. Nonetheless, it is legitimately
used by certain people, institutions and governments.
Despite the negative aspects associated with the
notorious dark web, where negative consequences are
often caused by how people use technology rather than
by the technology itself, the Internet continues to thrive
and expand its acceptance among the global population.
This is innovation at its finest, as the world community
has come together in one place in less than a generation
to create, innovate, communicate, socialize, and share
with one another, while blurring the lines of time-zones
and the world’s borders.