Page 28 - Lawn & Landscape Guide AL
P. 28
Centipede, St. Augustine, & Zoysia
Mowing: Mowing should be slim to none in December. Keep mowing heights high to help protect the plant as cooler weather approaches. Recommended Mowing Heights-Centipede 3.5” St. Augustine 4”” Zoysia 3.5”, or higher if needed. Your lawn will thank you for the extra few inches of height during the cold months. This helps to better insulate and protect the lawn from winter damage. Never mow more than 1/3 of the grass blade on each cutting. The only mowing that should be done in December is to remove debris such as leaves to prevent from suffocating your turfgrass.
Watering: Make sure your lawn is getting up to 1.5” of precipitation per week. It is best to water in the mornings with less frequent, heavy soakings. This can come from rainfall or irrigation. Do not overwater or water just before a freeze. However, it is good to water your lawn a few days prior to a freeze. This allows the roots to be hydrated more when freezing temperatures hit and thus helps to protect your roots from winter damage. Dry weather late in the year makes the lawn more susceptible to winter kill.
Clean Up: Remove excess debris from lawn to prevent smothering out your turfgrass. Raking or mulching with a mower will allow the plant to get more sunlight and stay healthier. But remember, NEVER mow more than 1/3 of the grass blade on each cutting.
Fertilizer: Based off of soil analysis, apply potassium fertilizer to strengthen the roots of your lawn. Soil Amendment: Based off of soil analysis, apply soil amendment (lime or sulfur) to help balance your
lawns Ph.
Post-emergent: Apply spot applications of selective herbicides to control weeds that are up and active.
Fire Ants: Fire ant stings are very painful and are no joke! They thrive in warmer temperatures and but they are active 12 months a year. Fire ants search for areas of direct sunlight so your lawn is a perfect fit. Their mounds can develop very quickly especially after rainfall. Broadcasting baits are most effective.