Page 29 - Lawn & Landscape Guide AL
P. 29

    Tree and Shrub Care:
Inspection: Inspect your landscape for insect and disease activity.
Watering: Apply 1.5” of precipitation per week is recommended per week. This can come from rainfall or irrigation. Water early in the mornings to help prevent ornamental diseases. Do not overwater or water just before a freeze. However, it is good to water your landscape a few days prior to a freeze. This allows the roots to be hydrated more when freezing temperatures hit and thus helps to protect your roots from winter damage.
Clean Up: Remove debris, by (raking/blowing) out of the flower beds and away from the structure of the house. This not only is an eyesore but also retains moisture and is a great place for insects to harbor.
Post-emergent: Spot spray active weeds in your bed space with a non-selective herbicide. Be careful not to get on plants, especially in wind conditions more than 10 mph.
Pruning: Prune or shape your landscape as needed.
Fertilize: No fertilizer is recommended this time of the year unless soil analysis requires additional
Insect and Disease: Apply insect control as needed along with a fungicide. Dormant oils can be applied to help suffocate overwintering insects.

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