P. 6
If you smell smoke or other unusual odor that may indicate a fire, contact Security at extension 12222.
If you discover a fire, you should:
• Assess the situation for using a portable fire extinguisher.
• Employees are not required to fight fires. • Fight a fire if you have been trained and
are not at risk of physical injury (ensure
you always have an escape path). • Know where fire extinguishers are
located and never obstruct access to them.
• For large fires, alert other facility personnel immediately and activate the nearest fire alarm pull station.
• Fire alarm pull stations are located along major exit routes, near elevators, warehouse exit doors, and breakrooms.
When the fire alarm is activated:
• Evacuate the building immediately via the closest emergency exit.
• Do not use the elevators. Stairways are the safest way out of the building.
Never assume a fire alarm is false. If you hear the fire alarm sounding, exit the building immediately.