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• Both adult males and female Mosquitoes feed on plant juices. Females, however, also feed on blood. Any mammal can be a host for this vicious little predator. In order for her to produce eggs, she must have a blood meal. She uses a combination of chemical, visual and heat sensors to find her target and if you have O Positive blood you're at the top of her list. Removing the food source reduces the chances of Mosquitoes hanging around.
• Wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants will help, but this can be an issue for those of us in the South. Best bet, use a good Mosquito repellent. DEET is the most common ingredient in Mosquito repellents, but there are a list of natural products that work very well without putting chemicals on your skin. A Lemon Eucalyptus oil blend was the only non-DEET repellent that was effective against Zika transfer.
• Electronic insect repellents produce ultrasonic sounds, but research by universities and the EPA have proven that they are not effective against Mosquito bites.

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