P. 6

• The female Mosquito lays her eggs in water. This can range from as large a body as a lake to the rainwater that collected in a small hole in a tree trunk. Some species will lay their eggs on or near aquatic plants, others along the edges of a body of water, even others directly on top of stagnant water. The key to prevent rapid reproduction is to eliminate, and/or treat, these sources of water.
• This takes an extremely detailed inspection. Mosquitoes can travel up to a mile for a blood meal, but most of the time they’re going to stay pretty close to their shelter and a food/water supply. Inspect the outside of your home in quadrants (North side, South side, etc.) and seek out any standing water that will accommodate Mosquito eggs. Females have been known to lay eggs in as little as a thimble full of water - so search thoroughly!
• A good rule of thumb is “better safe than sorry,” so if you have any questions about something you find, it’s better to get rid of it because the Mosquito will find it. For sure.

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