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The Dyer County Fair has been a cornerstone of Dyer County’s heritage since the late 1800s, with the first charter recorded in 1882. Beginning each year on Labor Day, the Dyer County Fair gives the community a place to come together and enjoy the best of what Dyer County has to offer.
In 2023, over 90,000 people walked through its gates and enjoyed this week-long tradition. The Dyer County Fair offers all the traditional fair fun, including carnival rides and games, food, livestock shows, talent shows, pageants, contests, exhibits, live entertainment, and so much more.
In addition to the annual Dyer County Fair, the fairgrounds are available to the community for use year-round. Over the years, the fairgrounds has been the venue for a variety of public and private events, including community fundraisers, commodity distributions, disaster assistance needs, pandemic response, company picnics, weddings, reunions, the Dyer County Relay For Life, West Tennessee Grain Conference, just to name a few.
Each year, as a way to give back to the community, the Fair Board hosts its Sorghum Valley Christmas Village event. Proceeds from the event go towards local charities in Dyer County.
As the Dyer County Fair has grown continuously over the years, it has had the honor of winning many statewide awards multiple times including Champion Fair, Most Improved Fair, Premier Fair, and, most recently, the Champion of Champions award for the 2023 fair. Champion of Champions is the highest honor given to a fair by the Tennessee Association of Fairs.
Fair Board members say the secret to the fair’s success is community support. The community has always supported the fair and that support allows it the resources needed for maintenance, expansion projects, and to put on the fair each year.

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