Page 11 - NAGC Engage Online Community Quick Start Guide for Events
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Frequently Asked Questions

       Q: How many communities are there?                                  Q:Can I changewhen Iam notifiedofnew discussion
       A: Currently there are a total of 21 Network and Special Interests   postings?
       communities, not including committees or events.                    A: Certainly.You will do this in your profile>My Account>Notifications.
                                                                           You can select Daily Digest, Real Time emails or no emails.
       Q: If I am not an NAGC member, can I access other communities
       on the platform ?                                                   Q:Can I changewhen Iam notifiedofnew discussion
       A: Unfortunately, no. You will only have access to your registered
       event/professional learning community. Click here to become a       A: Certainly.You will do this in your profile>My Account>Notifications.
       member and gain full access to the community, plus more!            You can select Daily Digest, Real Time emails or no emails.

       Q: What community(s) do I belong to?                                Q: Can I reply to postings?
                                                                           A:Youcanreplytotheentirecommunity (Reply to Discussion) or only
       A. Members have the option to select and join any Network or        to the person(ReplytoSender)thatpostedthe message.
       Special Interest Community. Select the “my groups” link to see
       the groups you have subscribed to.                                  Q:Are thesediscussionandreplies archived andsearchable?
                                                                           A: All discussion posts and replies are archived and easily
       Q:WhatcanIdowithinthecommunity(s)I belong to?                       searched. This search functionalitymeansthatyoucansearchthe
       A: You can make connections, share documents, start discussions and  Engage Community forinformationyou need and find a solution
       post responses.                                                     without having to post anything.

       Q:WhenIpostamessagehowdoothers know?                                Q: Can we add new communities?
                                                                           A: At this time, we are not adding communities. If you have a new
       A: Members/guests of each community by default areset up toget a daily  community you would like to add, please connect to the Community
       digest email ofallpostings.
                                                                           Manager for moreinformation

                                                                           Q: I have additional questions. Where can I get more
                                                                           A: You can contact the Engage Community Manager for assistance.

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