Page 1 - NAGC20 Reimagined! Daily Newsletter - Tuesday, November 17, 2020
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November 17, 2020
#NAGC20: Truly Reimagined
by Jeff Danielian Tuesday
There is nothing like the feeling of attending Instead of roaming inside the halls of the hotel Table Talks
an NAGC Convention! Like many of you, the and conference center, folks conversed, listened,
prospect of attending #NAGC20 in Orlando
offered ideas, received advice, and participated 10:00 AM – 6:15 PM
started to quickly fade when news of the in group and one-on-one meetings in chat and
pandemic came. It soon became clearer that breakout rooms, over Zooms, and in lounges. Work Session: A Conversation about
the annual time to connect, engage, learn, There even were some “class” photos. Educational Equity for Gifted Native
present, recognize, socialize, and be enriched
was not going to happen face-to-face. But, if Unfortunately, physical education wasn’t present Students
classrooms could switch to a virtual in the form of speed walking, escalator riding,
environment, why couldn’t the largest annual and button pushing, but perhaps folks were able Gifted LGBTQ+ Students and Online
gathering of professionals from the field of to get outside for a break at home. Lunch was Learning
gifted and talented accomplish this, too? still quick; some folks probably took advantage of
“nap time.” The “book fair” was digital through Truly Developmental: Arts Theories &
Plans sprang into action! Leaders convened, NAGC’s virtual Exhibitor Marketplace. Friends
work groups formed, data collected, gathered socially “after school," online and Approaches
suggestions and considerations offered, and through text. Planned “assemblies” provided
soon the enormous schedule of carefully time to hear from our leaders about the current If NAGC Evaluated My Curriculum,
selected and curated events shifted to a state of the field. Awards were given to new and What Would They Say?
different form. Just as educators across the veteran educators recognized for their
nation did when they were faced with contributions and dedication to NAGC and its
extreme adversity, everyone involved got it mission. With each passing day, a record- Rural Gifted Education: Promising
done—and done well. These past 6 days have breaking number of attendees filled their brains Practices
shown, clearly, that a community of people, with new and exciting research-based practices
all focused on a common mission, will find a and ideas. It was certainly a convention re- The Role of the Gifted Coordinator: A
way. It has been different, and at times imagined! There was also a daily convention Panel of Diverse Voices From the Field
coupled with the sadness of not seeing our newsletter that summarized the previous and
friends and colleagues in person, but I’m current days’ activities.
confident that we all will come away with Recruiting and Retaining Gifted
tremendous appreciation for our work, each And, the best part is, like many of the positive Educators of Color
other, and gifted education as a whole. outcomes we have come to realize from this
extremely difficult time, there is still time to Research into Daily Practice
In many ways, #NAGC20 has been like school: experience #NAGC20. Every live session, keynote,
Pre-conference and live sessions, keynotes, and on-demand presentation has been preserved
poster presentations and daily on-demand on the convention site. You can revisit your
“classes” for attendees presented a jam- favorites or attend something new. Perhaps you Exhibitor M arketplace
packed schedule. Hands-on practice, lecture, know someone who missed out or couldn’t find 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST
group work, and independent learning the time to attend. They still can! The possibilities
ensured that there was truly something for are endless. NAGC 20 is on demand, with the On-Demand & Posters
everyone. experts and practitioners sharing what they 24/7
know. In an effort to change the perspective of
Participants attended “meetings, clubs, and what it means to be gifted in the 21st century, all
activities” intended to create learning of us will overcome this trying time and come NAGC Ways to Engage:
communities in support of NAGC’s ongoing away stronger than ever. Networks &
goals. Special Interests Groups
Thank you for attending
#NAGC20 Reimagined!
See you next year in
Denver, CO
November 11-14, 2021