Page 4 - NAGC20 Reimagined! Daily Newsletter - Tuesday, November 17, 2020
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Thank You from the NAGC Staff!
We hope your #NAGC20 Reimagined! experience was informative and worthwhile. We believe our diverse and
dynamic group of speakers, panelists, sponsors, and exhibitors provided in-depth insight, as well as actionable and
practical tools you can use to help gifted and talented children as they strive to achieve their personal best and
contribute to their communities.
Your presence helped to make this event a great success. Your enthusiasm and positive spirit helped make our virtual
time together both productive and fun. If you were unable to attend a session or if you are hoping to revisit your
favorites, you will be able to access all convention content (except the Pre-Convention Workshops, Table Talk
Sessions, and Networking Events) until May 2021. You can return to the convention website using your same log in
credentials to watch and re-watch sessions at your leisure, follow up with connections made during the event, and
reach out to our exhibitors and sponsors for collaboration and any questions.
We wish you all the best and hope that you continue to be engaged with NAGC. See you at NAGC21 in Denver
November 11-14, 2021!
#NAGC Reimagined! Convention Team
John Segota, MPS, CAE, NAGC Executive Director
Andy Bassett, Director, Finance & Administration
Carolyn Kaye, Senior Manager, Meetings & Publishing
William Knudsen, Director, Government & Affiliate Relations
Denise Weathers, Director, Membership & Marketing
Adriane Wiles, Manager, Membership & Registration
Jeff Danielian, Teacher Resource Specialist and Editor,
Teaching for High Potential
Kathy Nilles, Parent Services and Communications Manager
and Editor, Parenting for High Potential
Dale Greenberg, ConferenceDirect
Deanne Rockola Altman, Sponsorship Boost
Lacey Kishter, Sponsorship Boost