Page 1 - NAGC21 Daily News- Monday, November 11, 2021
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It is our pleasure to welcome you to the great state of Colorado
and, more importantly, welcome you back to the NAGC Annual
Convention! For more than six decades, NAGC has supported
Jeffrey Blount is the author of The Emanci- those who enhance the growth and development of all gifted and
pation of Evan Walls, winner of the 2019 talented children. It’s been two years since the last time we were
Readers Favorite Book Award, winner of able to meet in person. While we have brought you new ways to
the 2019 American Book Fest Best Book connect online to support each other through the challenges of
Award, and a Shelf Unbound 2019 Notable
the past 20 months, we are very excited to be able to come to-
Book. He writes about a father realizing he
gether in person once again for NAGC21!
has to face his own experience of growing
up Black in a small southern town if he It’s fitting that our return to meeting in person is happening here,
wants his daughter to have the freedom to as Colorado has a great history of supporting gifted and talented
be who she is. education. Our terrific Host Affiliate, the Colorado Association for
Gifted and Talented (CAGT), is welcoming us back similar to the
way they enthusiastically hosted the NAGC Denver convention in
2012. Although we’re in a new location—the beautiful Gaylord
Rockies Resort & Convention Center—we’re excited to be back
near the Mile High City and to enjoy all the beauty and culture
that “Colorful Colorado” has to offer.
In that spirit, we hope you take the opportunity to learn, network,
Credit: Tina Krohn and expand your own boundaries through the more than 200
content-rich sessions and programs during the convention. Don’t
Immediately following the Opening Ses-
forget to also check out the Exhibit Hall and the evening events
sion, Jeffrey will sign his book in the NAGC
while you are here. NAGC21 is our first hybrid event so, in addi-
Information Exchange, Booth #121, in the
tion to the in-person opportunities, you can connect with others
Exhibit Hall.
from across the country online through the special convention
Join us for the NAGC21 Exhibit Hall group on Engage and during the Table Talk sessions that will be
Opening & Reception with hors d’oeuvres held online November 17 and 18.
and cash bar from 4:30—7:00 PM.
Enjoy your time at NAGC21 and take time to explore the count-
less opportunities!
Please see page 4 for program Lauri Kirsch, Ed.D. Shelagh Gallagher, John Segota, MPS,
updates and changes. President Ph.D. President-Elect CAE Executive Direc-