Page 8 - NAGC21 Daily News- Monday, November 11, 2021
P. 8

An Exclusive Newsletter for the NAGC 68th Annual Convention | November 11, 2021


                to attend the Pre-Convention Work-                                                  to discuss com-
     shop, “Gifted Coordinator Fundamentals & Con-                 munication strategies over past 18 months,
     nections: From Identification to Program Suc-                 along with an advocacy update from the New
     cess.” Led by 12 seasoned experts, presenters                 Jersey Association for Gifted Children. It con-
     shared research, resources, approaches, cau-                  cluded with group discussions on how to
     tions, and suggestions aligned with the 2019                  strengthen affiliate relations and initiatives
     NAGC Pre-K-Grade 12 Gifted Programming                        across NAGC, said David Cutler, NAGC’s
     Standards. Participants enjoyed collaborating                 Director of Government Relations & Public
     with and learning from other gifted coordinators              Affairs.
     who share similar situations and goals.

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