Page 2 - NAGC20 Reimagined20! Daily Newsletter - Thursday, November 12, 2020
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NAGC20 Reimagined!  HIGHLIGHTS

                                            Opening Keynote
          “Will the Real

        Creative Person

                                         THEATER 1 - 6:00 – 7:15 PM EST
      Please Stand Up?”

                                         We think we know creativity when we see it, but do we? In the
             SCOTT ROSS                  early days of computer entertainment, it was the MIT

                                         mathematicians who made the special effects work. How did
                                         they merge the reality of the world as they saw it with the reality
                                         of the moviegoer? Is there a creative personality? What do you

                                         think of as the creative type?

                                         Scott Ross shares how his career as a special effects digital
                                         pioneer meant he had to challenge his stereotypes of creativity
                                         and learn how to best help talented people with differing skills
                                         and personalities work together. Finally, Scott will urge us to plan
                                         for the future as the technology in our daily lives becomes even
                                         more ubiquitous and powerful.
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