Page 13 - 2023 UTC Membership Digital Brochure
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Receive recognition as a valued is the source for authorized certified frequency Critical infrastructure entities face growing
UTC Core Member in the online coordination for Private Land Mobile Radio Services below reliability, homeland security, and business
directory on 512 MHz and 800-900 MHz frequencies. In addition, UTC responsibilities. It is essential that the
maintains the national Power Line Carrier (PLC) database telecommunications and IT backbone of your
to coordinate PLC use with licensed government radio company and those who run it are all the best
services in the 10-490 kHz band. Spectrum Services have a they can be. Membership in UTC guarantees that
License/Frequency Sentry database that monitors your company stays abreast of all the issues that
can affect your systems. At the same time, UTC
customer licenses for renewals and construction ensures that communications professionals stay
notifications. Frequency Sentry monitors frequencies for at the top of their game. We constantly look for
interference from new users in your area. new and innovative ways to save our members’
money on various products and services.