Page 13 - NAGC Engage Online Community - Quick Start Guide - Member
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Frequently Asked Questions

            Q: How many communities are there?                             Q: Can I reply to postings?
            A: Currently there are 21 communities, not including committees.  A:Youcanreplytotheentirecommunity (Reply to Discussion) or only
                                                                           to the person(ReplytoSender)thatpostedthe
            Q: What community(s) do I belong to?                           message.
            A. Members have the option to select and join any Network
            or Special Interest Community. Select the “my groups” link to   Q:Are thesediscussionandreplies archived andsearchable?
            see the groups you have subscribed to.                         A: All discussion posts and replies are archived and easily searched. This
                                                                           search functionalitymeansthatyoucansearchthe Engage Community for
            Q:WhatcanIdowithinthecommunity(s)I belong to?                  informationyou need and find a solution without having to post anything.

            A: You can make connections, share documents, start discussions   Q: Can we add new communities?
            andpost responses.                                             A: At this time, we are not adding communities. If you have a new
                                                                           community you would like to add, please connect to the Community
            Q:WhenIpostamessagehowdoothers know?                           Manager for moreinformation.
            A: Members of each community by default areset up toget a daily
            digestemail ofallpostings.                                     Q: I have additional questions. Where can I get more information?
                                                                           A: You can contact the Engage Community Manager for assistance.
            Q:Can I changewhen Iam notifiedofnew discussion
            A: Certainly.You will do this in your profile>My Account>Notifications.
            You can select Daily Digest, Real Time emails or no emails.

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