Page 15 - NAGC Member Engagement & Resource Engagement Guide
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                                                                      68th Annual Convention

              PROFESSIONAL                                            November 11-14, 2021,

              LEARNING                                                in Denver, Colorado at the

                                                                      Gaylord Rockies Resort

              Don’t miss the
              virtual event                                            More than 2,000 educators, researchers,

              of the year                                              parents, advocates, and policymakers who
              for                                                      support gifted children around the country and

              gifted and talented                                      the world registered to attend NAGC20
              November 11-14, 2021!                                    Reimagined!

              Registration Opening                                     Attend and choose from more than 250

              Soon!                                                    educational sessions, have conversations with
                                                                       the leaders in the gifted field, enjoy

                                                                       numerous networking events, review
              View more details here.                                  the newest products to support gifted children.
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