Page 1 - NAGC20 Reimagined! Daily Newsletter - Monday, November 16, 2020
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November 16, 2020

           Striving for Excellence in the Midst of Stress                                          Monday


         What are strategies to help students   and helping students develop a sense of        FEATURED SPEAKERS

         deal with stress in accelerated      agency and self-determination.            Gifted Boys to Men: Intellectual, Social

         coursework? Are there factors that                                                 and Emotional Turning points
         contribute to overall student success   After another busy day of breakout and
         – including their emotional well-being   signature sessions, video chat lounges,   Jaime Antonio Castellano  Richard M. Cash

         – in Advanced Placement and          and Exhibitor Marketplace activity,         Florida Atlantic University    Educational

         International Baccalaureate (AP/IB)   Day 5 of #NAGC20 wrapped up with the                        Consulting, Inc.
         classes?                             annual Celebration of Excellence.

         These are some of the questions that   NAGC President Jonathan Plucker
         featured speakers Drs. Elizabeth     welcomed attendees and introduced the
         Shaunessy-Dedrick and Shannon        first two awards: the Ann F. Isaacs
         Suldo discussed in their Sunday-     Founder’s Memorial Award and the                                Robert A. Schultz
         morning presentation “Teaching       President’s Award. From there a video      James R. Delisle  Tarek C. Grantham   The University of
                                                                                         Horry County
         Teens a Superpower: How to Cope      compilation of all the award winners        Schools    of Georgia   Toledo
         with Academic Stress Using Strategies   and their nominators was shown,
         that Co-occur with Happiness.”       providing each an opportunity to say a
                                              few words.
         The session focused on findings from
         their federally funded research study   On deck for today has been an opening
         that investigated characteristics of   featured speaker, more breakout
         successful AP/IB students. Success   sessions, video chat lounges, the virtual
         was defined both in terms of         expo hall, and the closing keynote                CLOSING KEYNOTE
         academic success and emotional well-  featuring a panel of current and past            4:15 PM – 5:00 PM EST
                                                                                                    Theater 1
         being.  They found two keys essential   NAGC presidents. Another packed day at      2020 Perspectives: NAGC Current and
         to success: working with students in   NAGC20 – Reimagined!                           Past-Presidents Panel
         ninth grade before they have begun
         the rigorous work of AP/IB classes                                              Moderator:  Jonathan Plucker
                                                                                              Johns Hopkins University
                                                                                         Presenters:  Sandra N. Kaplan,
                                                                                              University of  Southern California
   Sunday’s Featured Session                                                                  Sally Krisel, University of Georgia
   Teaching Teens a Superpower: How to Cope with Academic Stress Using Strategies that Co-    Paula Olszewski-Kubilius, Center for
                                                                                              Talent Development, Northwestern
   occur with Happiness - Drs. Elizabeth Shaunessy-Dedrick and Shannon Suldo                  University

                                                                                              Sally M. Reis,
                                                                                              University of Connecticut
                                                                                              Ann Robinson
                                                                                              Jodie Mahony Center for Gifted
                                                                                              Education, UALR
                                                                                              Del Siegle, University of Connecticut
                                                                                              Joyce VanTassel-Baska,
                                                                                              College of William and Mary

                                                                                              Exhibitor Marketplace
                                                                                            Tuesday, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM

                                                                                            Breakout & Signature Sessions
                                                                                               12:15 PM – 4:00 PM EST
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