Page 2 - NAGC20 Reimagined! Daily Newsletter - Monday, November 16, 2020
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NAGC20 Reimagined!  HIGHLIGHTS

      Featured Speakers

      Gifted Boys to Men:
      Intellectual, Social and

      Emotional Turning

      points                       Jaime Antonio Castellano,  Richard M. Cash  James R. Delisle  Tarek C. Grantham   Robert A. Schultz

                                   Florida Atlantic University     nRich   Horry County   University    The University of

                                                           Educational     Schools       of Georgia       Toledo
                                                          Consulting, Inc.

                                     The lives of gifted women have been analyzed in great detail; the examination of
                                     gifted men has been less forthcoming. This panel includes male educators who have
                                     focused their careers on gifted children. Representing various economic/cultural
                                     backgrounds, as well as different sexual orientations and family configurations, this
                                     panel provides participants with clues for transitioning gifted boys into healthy gifted

                                                        Monday’s Closing Keynote

                                                                   4:15 PM – 5:00 PM EST

                                                                         THEATER 1

     2020 Perspectives:

     NAGC Current and


     Ideas and insights for forging a
     better future are essential,           Moderator          Sandra N. Kaplan      Sally Krisel   Paula Olszewski-Kubilius
                                         Jonathan Plucker

     especially during times of       Julian C. Stanley Professor  Professor of Clinical Education   Consultant,    Director

     turbulent change.                 of Talent Development   University of Southern   Adjunct Professor   Center for Talent

                                      Johns Hopkins University      California    University of Georgia   Development,

     What lessons from the past will    Baltimore, Maryland     Los Angeles, CA      Athens, GA     Northwestern University
                                                                                                         Evanston, IL
     help provide clarity and
     empower us to make better
     decisions for the future? NAGC
     leaders serving as Past-
     Presidents during the past 20
     years share their perspectives on
     the past and ideas for the future
     of our organization.
                                             Presenter           Presenter          Presenter            Presenter
                                            Sally M. Reis      Ann Robinson         Del Siegle      Joyce VanTassel-Baska
                                           Board of Trustees   Founding Director   Director of the National   Smith Professor of
                                                                                                      Education Emerita
                                             Professor       Jodie Mahony Center   Center for Research on   College of William and Mary
                                           University of Connecticut    for Gifted Education,   Gifted Education   Gainesville, VA
                                             Storrs, CT            UALR       University of Connecticut
                                                                                    Storrs, CT
                                                               Little Rock, AR
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