Page 1 - 2021 NAGC21 Virtual Site License Brochure
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Professional Development,

                                            November 11-14, 2021

                       Professional Development Site Licenses

   Reimagined!                            for Schools & Districts

       The National Association for Gifted Children's (NAGC) annual convention is well-known as the

                                                                                       NAGC is a global network
       place where the "who's who" in gifted education gather each year to share, network, and learn
                                                                                       reaching 30,000

                                                                                       educators, researchers,
       best practice for educating and nurturing all gifted learners. If travel or budget restrictions are

       preventing your staff from attending the in-person 68th Annual Convention & Exhibition
                                                                                       advocates, parents, and
       November 11-14, 2021, at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center in Colorado,

                                                                                       ho believe giftedness and

       NAGC21 Virtual is an unbeatable option.                                         high potential must be fully

                                                                                       recognized, universally
                                                                                       valued actively nurtured

             ZNAGC21 Virtual meets all

                                                                                       support from all
                                                                                       contributing to ing
                                                                                       backgrounds reaching for
            your profess                                       ional learn

                                                                                       personal best and

                     needs for the 2021-22

                                        school year!

                   For more information or to register your district or school,

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