Page 5 - 2021 NAGC21 Virtual Site License Brochure
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Other Registration Options
Other NAGC21 Virtual Registration Options
Cancellations October 16-31 will be
INDIVIDUALS (Oct. 1-Nov. 14) charged $100 processing fee. No
cancellations are accepted after
NAGC is pleased to partner with the University of
Member $449 October 31, 2021.
Central Florida to offer CEUs to NAGC20 virtual
Non-Member $629 (Includes 1-year access to PHOTOGRAPHY POLICY:
convention attendees.
bonus content, including issues of Gifted Photo Release: Photographs and/or
Child Quarterly, Teaching for High Potential, video footage taken at NAGC events
and Parenting for High Potential) may be used for publicity
$60 per credit hour, 1 or 3 CEUs on, Facebook, Twitter,
or in print publications. Registration
In addition to their convention registration fees, participants may elect to purchase 1 or 3 CEUs toward their
grants permission to NAGC to publish
licensure requirements. Because each state and/or district has its own policies and continuing education
photos, video, and/or comments of
requirements, each registrant is responsible for checking with their local authorities to ensure NAGC20 CEUs will be
Member: $339
accepted. attendees in NAGC publicity, unless a
Non-Member $467 letter to request no photos
accompanies the registration.
GROUPS (5-15) (Oct. 1-Nov.14)
$449 per attendee
NAGC21 Virtual has everything you need to refocus,
reenergize, reinvigorate, and revamp your
gifted and talented policies and programs.
#NAGC21Virtual—200+ presenters. 2 days. 1,000 ideas!
For more information or to register your district or school, visit: