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•  Acceleration
             Why NAGC21 Virtual?                                      Acceleration
          Educators—more than ever—need                            •  Assessments
                                                                               •  Assessments
                                                                   •  Core  Curriculum/ /Materials
          access to research, strategies, best                     •  Creativity  •  Core Curriculum/Curriculum
           practices, and curriculum to enhance                    •    Strategies  Resources/Materials
                                                                               •  Creativity
           their expertise in meeting the needs                    •    Specialty
                                                                               •  Critical Thinking Strategies
          of gifted and talented learners.                         •  Differentiation
                                                                               •  Curriculum Strategies by Grade,

        Educators—ever—need access to                              •  Diversity    Inclusion
                                                                                 Subject,  Specialty
            1.  One-Stop Professional Learning:

        research, strategies, best practices,                      •           •  Differentiation
                  With hundreds of sessions in
        and curriculum to enhance                                  •           •  Diversity  &  Inclusion
                  both live and on-demand
                                                                               •  Early Childhood
                  settings, educators will find
        expertise meeting the needs of                             •  Gifted  Policies    Program  Best  Practices
                                                                               •  Elementary Education
                  practical, realistic, and
        gifted and talented learners.                              •  Grouping  •  Gender Differences
                  implementable classroom                          •    Practices
                  strategies…for immediate use!
                                                                               •  Gifted  Policies  &  Program  Best
                                                                   •  Middle
                                                                   •  Research   Practices
            2.  Site Licenses: Purchase a site                     •           •  Grouping
               license so every professional on                    •  Social-   •  Identification Best Practices
               your team can experience NAGC21                     •  Standards for  Serving PreK-  Learners
                                                                               •  Middle  School
                                                                               •  Research
               Virtual.                                            •  Talent   Development
                                                                               •  Secondar
                                                                   •  Twice   Exceptionality y Education
                                                                               •  Social-Emotional Needs
            3.  Virtual convention participation                   •  Underserved    Populations
                                                                               •  Standards for  Serving PreK-12
               and budget-friendly savings for 16                  •  Teacher Support  Materials
               or more professionals who work in
                                                                   •  Programs  Gifted  Learners
               the same school or district. An all-                            •  Talent Development
               access pass to 200+ live and pre-
               recorded sessions for every staff                               •  Twice Exceptionality
                                                                               •  Underserved Populations
               member in your school or district
               through May 31, 2022.                                           •  Teacher Support Materials
                                                                               •  Youth Programs


                NAGC21 Virtual is the place to obtain the

                most current, cutting-edge, and practical

              classroom strategies for serving gifted and
             Please contact Adriane Wiles for registration and site license purchases:            3

                                           talented children.

                For more information or to register your district or school, visit:

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