Page 12 - NAGC21 Daily News Saturday 11-13-21
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An Exclusive Newsletter for the NAGC 68th Annual Convention | November 13, 2021
Don't miss bidding on items in the NAGC Silent Sample Items from
Auction, while helping gifted children receive the NAGC Silent
support in Title I schools. To celebrate NAGC's Auction!
68th Annual Convention, the Development Com-
Top Left: Get a Life!
mittee is hosting a silent auction that includes
A Bounty of Chil-
convention registrations, gift certificates, books,
dren's Biographies,
and more. Visit and the Teaching
place your bid before 11:59 PM tonight, Satur- Guides, Plus!
day, November 13. All proceeds benefit the
NAGC Javits-Frasier Scholarship Fund, offering Bottom Left:
Lakeshore Learning
professional development and mentoring oppor-
Social Emotional
tunities to educators and professionals in Title I
Learning Books