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Nebraska Report
There is no Peace without Justice
Nebraskans for Peace MARCH / APRIL 2021 VOLUME 49, NO. 2
Get Paid for Working To Pass
a Carbon Fee & Dividend Bill
by Mark Welsch, NFP’s Omaha members of Congress—to tell them Members of Congress DO
Coordinator and CCL’s Omaha you expect them to take action that listen to what people say when they
Chapter Co-Leader will stop the burning of fossil fuels. call. They listen the most if MANY
Your phone is a potent tool for people are calling and asking them
I’m going to start by asking for participatory democracy. Sounds to do the same thing. You can’t be
your help, and then explain why scary, but it’s easier than you think. silent and expect good legislation
you should. (You’ll earn money.) You will talk to a staff member in to be passed. The loud minority is
If you haven’t already, please your representative’s office or get a telling them to do nothing. We need
join us in solving the climate recording. To make sure you get a the silent majority to be silent no
change crisis by going to cclcalls. recording, call before or after busi- more. It takes about five minutes
org. This legislative lobbying ness hours. They won’t quiz you. per month to make a call. Join us
resource is provided by our part- They will simply ask for your name for the sake of your children and
ner, Citizens’ Climate Lobby. After and address, and then take notes as grandchildren who are the ones who
you sign up, you will get one email you express your concerns based will suffer the most if we don’t stop
or text message (your choice) per on the talking points we’ll provide the climate from changing.
month to remind you to call your
you. That’s it! And if we get a Carbon Fee and
Dividend bill passed into law, we’ll
all get financially rewarded. Not
inside: rich, but the dividend will protect
us from higher prices on energy by
getting everyone a monthly carbon-
Assessing the Environmental What’s HOT in Global Warming? p. 8 check from the Federal Govern-
Risk of the Ground Based ment. For low- and middle-income
Strategic Deterrent p. 3 LAND BACK people, this check will be more than
A Movement, A Spirit, A Practice p. 10 the higher prices we have to pay
The Future of Food p. 4
Your Foundation Speaks p. 11 because of the carbon fee. Because
Lincoln NFP Chapter the dividend is the same for every
Continues ‘Truth and HARD TRUTH by Sally Herrin p. 16 family, high-income people—with
Reconciliation’ Work p. 7
continued on page 2
Nebraskans for Peace’s state office in Lincoln is located on land that formerly belonged to the Otoe Tribe.