Page 12 - Mar Apr 2021-REV
P. 12

The Future of Food, conclusion

         needed. Governments will have to step in  unsustainable.             erosion, and soil building is enormous.
         and subsidize foods that promote human   The current push is to shift to, what   And they are having much success with
         and planetary health rather than continue  is considered to be, sustainable inten-  their perennial wheatgrass, “Kernza”.
         to subsidize animal and processed foods  sification through the use of precision   “Permaculture” is a term used to de-
         that contribute to the degradation of  agriculture where all the same inputs are   scribe an intentional system of agriculture
         human and planetary health. This will  used but used to a lesser degree. Precision   that reflects the interrelationships and sus-
         have to mean the end of the powerful  agriculture utilizes technologies such as   tainability of natural ecosystems. It has
         lobbies for the beef, dairy, sugar and  geographic information systems (GIS),   been described as a way to create a ‘per-
         ultra-processed food and beverage in-  automated machine guidance, infield and   manent culture’ surrounding food sys-
         dustries whose entire goal is to influence  remote sensing, mobile computing, and   tems, but also around shelter, energy and
         and curtail national dietary guidelines  global positioning systems (GPS) to iden-  technology. Permaculture is an attempt to
         that are supposed to be crafted for the  tify where and when individual plants   optimally utilize land and resources in a
         improvement of nutrition, health and  need various inputs such as fertilizer,   circular way so that all wastes or outputs
         environmental sustainability.      water and pesticides. Critics of precision   are used as inputs—eliminating waste
                                            agriculture point out that the expense,   and creating a truly sustainable system
         Changes in Food Production         the reliance on machines and the lack   that can be utilized generations into the
             Because agriculture is responsible  of farmer education in these modalities   future for subsistence. Several disciplines
         for such a significant proportion of pollu-  will only disenfranchise farmers further   are implemented in the practice of per-
         tion and climate change-inducing green-  and put more control and money in the   maculture including organic farming,
                                            hands and pockets of agribusiness and   agroforestry, integrated farming, sustain-
             The “EAT Lancet                corporate entities.               able development, and applied ecology.
                                               Rather, I believe, the solutions lie in
         Commission on Healthy              ‘agroecological’ approaches that more   …According to the
          Diets from Sustainable            closely mimic natural ecosystems as a   authors, a dietary shift
                                            way to feed ourselves while simultane-
               Food Systems”,               ously addressing our environmental   away from meat, beef in
           published a report in            Organic Agriculture               particular, and toward a

         2019 titled “Food in the              At the Rodale Institute, research has   plant-based diet would

             Anthropocene”…                 been done to show that through ‘regen-  dramatically reduce
                                            erative’ organic agriculture more than 40
                                            percent of current annual CO2 emissions
         house gas emissions, there is also strong  could be sequestered—and, if at the same   the ecological and
         consensus in that we have an ecological  time, all global pasture was managed   environmental footprint
         and ethical obligation to reduce the envi-  utilizing a regenerative model with more
         ronmental footprint of agriculture.   effective manure management, an addi-  of our food system.
             Where we have not reached a con-  tional 71 percent could be sequestered.
         sensus is how to feed a growing popula-  This would put us over the 100 percent
         tion while decoupling environmental  mark and contribute to a drawing down   According to the Nebraska-based
         degradation from food production. We  of excess greenhouse gases, helping to   environmental consulting firm “GC Re-
         cannot afford to grow more food through  reverse the greenhouse effect.   solve”, “Regenerative farming and ranch-
         ‘extensification’ (converting additional                             ing practices include minimizing tillage,
         forest or other land to agricultural lands).   Perennial Polycultures   multi-species cover cropping, multiple
         The alternative is to increase yields on   Likewise, the Land Institute in Sa-  crop rotations, implementation of live-
         the lands already being used, or ‘inten-  lina Kansas is working on developing   stock back onto the soil accompanied by
         sification’. Current intensification relies  perennial grains, oil seeds and legumes   holistic grazing practices, agro-forestry
         on the use of petrochemicals such as  that can be planted in a polyculture. This   with tree intercropping, silvopasture on
         fertilizers, pesticides, and  herbicides  work is critical in that the potential for   grazing lands, and degraded rangeland
         and GMOs, which is recognized as also  carbon sequestration, prevention of soil   restoration.” Nebraska happens to be
                                                                              a hub of Regenerative Agriculture and
         MARCH/APRIL 2021  NE REPORT, P. 12                                   these practices have the potential to build
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