Page 27 - 2022 AMP Flip Catalogue
P. 27 Washroom Accessories & Supplies
Odour Control
A Easy Fresh
• The dispenser cover is the air freshener itself
• Contains 2 - 3 times more fragrance than most gels or metered
• VOC compliant and works continuously; no peaks of freshness
• Air freshener lasts consistently for 30 days or more
Refills with Battery
Code Description Pkg Ship Wt.
EF12HM Herbal Mint 12/bx 4 lb
EF12HS v Honeysuckle 12/bx 4 lb
EF12KG v Kiwi Grapefruit 12/bx 4 lb
EF12FB v Fabulous 12/bx 4 lb
EF12OM v Ocean Mist 12/bx 4 lb
EF12MG Mango 12/bx 4 lb
EF12CT v Citrus 12/bx 4 lb
EF12SA v Spiced Apple 12/bx 4 lb
EF12CB Cotton Blossom 12/bx 4 lb
EF12TL v Tea Lily 12/bx 4 lb
EF12CM Cucumber Melon 12/bx 4 lb
Refills without Battery
Code Description Pkg Ship Wt.
EF12NBHM v Herbal Mint 12/bx 2.4 lb
EF12NBHS v Honeysuckle 12/bx 2.4 lb
EF12NBKG v Kiwi Grapefruit 12/bx 2.4 lb
EF12NBFB v Fabulous 12/bx 2.4 lb
EF12NBOM v Ocean Mist 12/bx 2.4 lb
EF12NBMG v Mango 12/bx 2.4 lb
EF12NBCT v Citrus 12/bx 2.4 lb
EF12NBSA v Spiced Apple 12/bx 2.4 lb
EF12NBCB v Cotton Blossom 12/bx 2.4 lb
EF12NBTL v Tea Lily 12/bx 2.4 lb
EF12NBCM v Cucumber Melon 12/bx 2.4 lb
Dispensers B
• Choose from a passive or battery operated dispenser
• Fan unit has LED indicators; Green Light = Good, Red Light = Replace
the cover, No Light = Needs cover and battery, Audible Alert = change
the cover (after 33 days, “chirps” every 3 minutes)
• Push button release resets the program for the 30-day refill
Code Description Pkg Ship Wt.
EFCABP Passive Dispenser 24/cs 0.8 lb
EFCABPE Fan Dispenser 12/cs 4 lb
B Eco Fresh Hang Tag
• Versatile - hang it in places like a stall doorstop, toilet handle, fan
cabinets, etc.
• Environmentally friendly when compared to most gel or metered
aerosol air fresheners
Code Description Pkg Ship Wt.
72HM Herbal Mint 12/bx 1.7 lb
72HS Honeysuckle 12/bx 1.7 lb
72MG Mango 12/bx 1.7 lb
72SA Spiced Apple 12/bx 1.7 lb
72CB Cotton Blossom 12/bx 1.7 lb
72CM Cucumber Melon 12/bx 1.7 lb
I114 Suction Cups 12/bx 1.7 lb
v Non-Stocked Item Requires Special Order