Page 58 - 2022 AMP Flip Catalogue
P. 58

The entire
                                                                                                                                                                                    for our
                                                                                                                                                                            PerPETuator mops
                                                                                                                                                                                  has a low                                    Using
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Hydro-electric power,
                                                                                    According to
                                                                                Agriculture Canada’s
                                                                               Key Consumer Trends
                                                                                for the Bottled Water
                                                                             Market, in 2019 Canadians
                                                                                purchased 2.7 billion
                                                                               litres of bottled water.

                                                                                                                                                                                           water and harvested
                                                                                                                                                                                                 rain water,

             is PET?

              Polyethylene                                                      A CBC Report
              terephthalate                                                posted January 7, 2020
          (abbreviated PET),                                                    suggested as
           is a thermoplastic                                              much as 79% of plastic
            polymer resin of                                                bottles in Canada are
         the polyester family.                                             collected for recycling,                                                                                              PET bottles and
           PET is most often                                                  but many just end                                                                                                post industrial waste
           used in synthetic                                                    up in landfills.
          fibers, as a material
               for plastic
             containers, etc.
                                               Defence, a Canadian
                                             environmental advocacy
                                                organization, claims
                                               that in Ontario alone,
                                                1 Billion Bottles are
                                                discarded annually
                                                  threatening the
                                                  Great Lakes and                            It takes 450 years                                                       to manufacture
                                                 other waterways.                           for a plastic bottle to                                                premium PET mops
                                                                                             degrade. Recycling                                                       and dust mops
                                                                                             plastic bottles takes                                                      that degrade
                                                                                           8x less energy than to                                                        faster than
                                                                                           produce an equivalent                                                           plastic.
                                                                                               amount of new
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