Page 6 - 1stTrimester
P. 6

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     The LLV Pack consist of three                PB Assist+ Promotes a                 Terrazyme supports the
    components:                                   positive balance and                  body’s constant production
                                                  proliferation of beneficial           of enzymes critical for
    Alpha CRS+ Cellular Vitality Complex          bacteria. Maintains healthy           healthy biochemical
    contains potent levels of powerful            intestinal micro balance.             functions throughout the
    polyphenols that protect cells from           Supports healthy                      body, including healthy
    free radicals that can damage                 functioning of the digestive          digestion of food nutrients
    cellular DNA, mitochondria, and               and immune systems.                   and cellular metabolism of
    other critical cell structures.               Supports the health of the            nutrients to energy.
                                                  GI tract, particularly the            TerraZyme includes a
    xEO Mega provides a proprietary               intestines and colon. Helps           variety of whole-food
    blend of marine and land-sourced              support optimal metabolism            enzymes that help with the
    essential fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty          and absorption of food.               digestion of proteins, fats,
    acids help support healthy joints, the                                              complex carbohydrates,
    cardiovascular system, brain health,                                                sugars, and fibers.
    and immune function.

    Microplex MVp has been carefully

    formulated in order to provide the
    amounts of vitamins, minerals,
    polyphenols, and omega fatty acids
    that we need.
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