Page 6 - November 2023 BOGO eBook
P. 6

DIY with Roman Chamomile:
                               Essential Oil Skin Toner with Melissa, Roman Chamomile, and

                               Looking for a clean, bright skin toner? You’ll love this simple DIY that features       BOGO 1    Roman Chamomile
                               the calming, luxurious Melissa and Roman Chamomile essential oils and uplifting

                                    1 tablespoon witch hazel
                                    ½ tablespoon distilled water
                                    1-ounce spray bottle
                                    3 drops vitamin E
                                    2 drops Melissa essential oil
                                    2 drops Roman Chamomile essential oil
                                    2 drops Bergamot essential oil

                                    1.  Combine all the ingredients in a spray bottle and shake well.
                                    2.  Spray a thin layer on the face or apply with a cotton pad after
                                        cleansing the skin.

                           Where Does Roman Chamomile Come From?

                                                                  United Kingdom:
                                                                 Roman Chamomile

                                              United States:
                                            Roman Chamomile

                                                                         *In addition to the regions noted, many oils are also sourced from various regions of the world.

                           6 /          November 2023 BOGO         * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
                                                                    This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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