Page 8 - Frankincense eGuide
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Self-care with essential oils
With all the buzz surrounding self- In fact, Frankincense is included in
care, it can be confusing to know the “Informed Self-Care” section of
what it is, or what it isn’t. The the Wellness Lifestyle Pyramid.
definition itself can be broad: some Frankincense offers wonderful
define it as any activity you engage support to your body that would be
in to take care of your mental, hard to replicate any other way.
emotional, or physical health and
wellbeing. The best way to look at Taking care of your emotional
it, however, is making sure that it’s health is paramount to self-care.
an activity or action that refuels or Wearing or diffusing the relaxing
energises you, rather than takes fragrance of Frankincense oil
and drains from you. Caring for brings added satisfaction, peace,
yourself in this way means that you and feelings of overall wellness to
will have better quality of life. It your morning routine.
means that you take the necessary
steps to ensure your needs are Practicing intentional and
met, so that you can then meet the consistent self-care can support
needs of others. the body to relax and keep cortisol
levels balanced. Aromatherapy is a
Incorporating Frankincense into great self-care method to manage
your essential oil routine is a simple stress before it becomes constant.
way to start taking better care of
yourself, physically and