Page 3 - Wellness Programs
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                                                wellness program

          Join the Digestive Wellness Program and get 3 months of targeted wellness delivered to your door.
          Get targeted, effective digestive support that’s natural and safe for the whole family.*

          Month 1                                               Month 2
          The Digestive Wellness Program has everything you need   This second kit builds on the benefits you’ve already
          to calm unwanted digestive disruptions and discomforts   experienced with a new collection of powerful products.
          naturally, while also promoting overall healthy digestion.*   Ginger 5 mL, Clove 15 mL, Peppermint Softgels,
          Using your products daily is the most effective way to   Spearmint 15 mL, Tamer® 10 mL, doTERRA® Fiber (single
          maximize your benefits!                               sachet), Exclusive gift—Travel Mug
          DigestZen® Softgels, DigestZen Touch 10 mL,
          Peppermint 15 mL, DigestZen TerraZyme®,
          Exclusive gift—Pill Case
                                                                    Peppermint essential
                                                                   oil in an enteric coated            Spearmint promotes
                                                                     softgel to provide
                                    Supports healthy                digestive relief to the            digestion and helps
            DigestZen® capsules      digestion and                   lower intestines.*  Exclusive gift:    reduce occasional
           ease mild or occasional   metabolism of                                      Travel Mug     stomach upset when
           stomach discomfort.*    enzyme-deficient,                                                     used internally*
                                    processed foods*

                                                                               Internal use
                                                                                may help
             Soothing &               Exclusive gift: Pill Case  Made for kids of all  support healthy   Sample of doTERRA® Fiber:
            cooling - apply   Use topically                     ages, the unique   digestion*      High source of fiber.
                                                                                                  Contains high potency
           topically or take   for digestive                    combination of                  vitamin C. Promotes healthy
                                                                essential oils in
            one drop in a
            glass of water.  support.                           Tamer® Digestive                   digestive function*
                                                               Blend soothes and   Internal use of Clove has
                                                                    cools.      powerful antioxidant
          Month 3                                               Discounted Add Ons
          In the third month of the Digestive Wellness Program, you’ll   Add up to 3 powerful products at a special discount just for
          receive even more incredible products, designed to help   you while you participate in the program.
          you calm unwanted digestive disruptions and discomforts
          naturally.*                                                 Customize your
          PB Assist® Jr, DigestZen® 15 mL, Ginger Drops,
          Fennel 15 mL, Exclusive gift— PB Assist Jr Go-Pouch        Wellness Program
                                                                                                  Softgels are
                                                                          Consume one to two       perfect for
                                     doTERRA® Ginger Drops are            drops of Celery Seed      on-the-go.  Enteric coated
                                     a convenient way to support          oil morning and night               softgels provide
         Exclusive gift:            digestion and ease occasional   Peppermint oil   to promote healthy   May help promote
                                                                                                              digestive relief to
     PB Assist® Jr Go-Pouch             stomach discomfort.   promotes digestive   digestion.*  healthy metabolic   the lower intestines
                                                               health when taken          function and        thereby improving
                                                                 internally*             circulation when     overall digestive
                                                                                         taken internally*       health.*

      Fennel essential                      These probiotics have    Promotes digestion and    Soothes the occasional
      oil can be used   Aids in the digestion of   been blended into a   helps reduce occasional   upset stomach andhelps
        internally to   food, soothe occasional   delicious powder that   stomach upset when used   reduce gas and occasional
      promote healthy   upset stomachs, and reduce   can be poured directly   internally*         indigestion.*
        digestion.    uncomfortable gas when   into the mouth for a
                         used internally.*  fun and tasty way to
                                           integrate probiotics into
                                           anyone’s daily routine.*
          *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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