Page 14 - Essential Oils & Fitness
P. 14
After you’ve done a proper cool down, it is important to rest before your next workout. Your body will be able to perform better after resting.
Lack of rest can lead to injuries or overworking the body. Because it will allow you to continue to have safe, effective workouts, rest is an
element just as crucial as stretching or hydration.
The importance of rest
When you exercise, you are breaking down your muscle
tissue. The pain or soreness you feel after exercise comes MICROTEARS: Tiny, microscopic
from tiny microtears occurring throughout your tissue. As tears in the muscles that occur
you rest (and restore your body with proper nutrition), the
muscle fibers that were torn during exercise begin to repair. during exercise.
This repairing process, known as hypertrophy, allows the HYPERTROPHY: The tissue repair
muscles to grow bigger and stronger.
process that torn muscle fibers go
As you can see, important processes take place during rest. through during resting periods. During
You need to allow your muscles time to rest in order to repair
the microtears that occurred during your workout. Without this process, muscle tissue repairs
proper rest, you could end up overworking your body or even itself and grows bigger, stronger,
damaging muscles or connective tissue by not giving the and more resilient.
muscle tissue ample time to restore itself.