Page 2 - Essential Oils & Fitness
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        There are countless products, methods,                 The importance of exercising
        and trends that promise to help you lose               and eating healthy

        weight, build muscle, or look and feel                 While every individual has unique DNA, a different body type, and
        better with little to no work. The                     specific health concerns, it is important for everyone to have some

        problem is, feeling good does take work—               sort of exercise routine, and to fuel their body with proper nutrition.
        it requires healthy habits like regular                Some people go to the gym every day to get their exercise, while

        exercise, a balanced diet, self-care,                  others prefer to play sports or spend time outdoors. Regardless of
                                                               the way in which you exercise, your body needs physical activity in
        and much more. The powerful, natural                   order to maintain proper health, promote better sleep at night, deal
        qualities of essential oils make them                  with stress, and much more.
        useful for supporting a healthy lifestyle.             There are countless benefits that come from regular exercise.

        Essential oils can be an extremely                     Eating a nutritious diet will only add to these benefits. Healthy

        useful part of a weekly exercise routine,              food not only acts as fuel for our bodies, but it can protect the
        a healthy diet, and proper self-care,                  body against health concerns, promote brain function, and
        because of their versatile nature.                     help build muscle.

        When you incorporate essential oils                    Yes, we all have different bodies, issues, and physical needs, but a
        into your healthy lifestyle, your options              healthy lifestyle can often help any person feel better—especially
                                                               when consistent exercise and healthy eating is employed.
        for supporting a healthy body (inside
        and out) are limitless.

                   BENEFITS OF EXERCISE                           BENEFITS OF EATING HEALTHY

                • Helps maintain proper health                 • Helps maintain a healthy weight
                • Promotes better sleep                        • Promotes heart health
                                                               • Helps defend the body against health issues
                • Helps maintain a healthy weight
                • Provides an outlet for stress                • Provides necessary nutrients to build
                • Can decrease cravings for unhealthy food        strong muscles, bones, etc.
                • Can elevate cognitive function               • Promotes brain function
                                                               • Can help improve mood
                        CHAPTER             2
                                                               • Can support a longer life span

                        CHAPTER             3

                        CHAPTER             4
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