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        Empowered Life Series       Essential Oil         Learn more and get     Use the dōTERRA     Get an essential oil  Solutions Podcast   great ideas:           Shop app for easy   reference guide or
        life-series                 Subscribe to learn the best  online ordering.   mobile app.
        View this webinar series to    ways to use essential oils.  magazines/doterra-living
        continue learning ways you can
        use your products.

        Your Key Support
        Phone                                                      Live chat:                     Americas:
                                                                             +1 800-411-8151
                                                                   Email:                         Australia:
                                                                     +61 (02) 8015-5080
        Other Support
                                                                   US:                            UK:
        Phone                                                      Text us now at 343-57          +44 2033180064

 Essential Tips  Upcoming Local or Online Classes and Events    Team Call/Website/Facebook Group(s)

 Effectiveness  Safety  Best Practices
                                    Every Bottle Makes a Difference
 Use your reference guide to    Avoid contact with the eyes,   Keep your products at their
 find solutions to health priorities or   inside of the nose, and ears.   best by avoiding exposure   Consistently using dōTERRA products can change your life, as well as the lives of the
 concerns as they arise.  to extreme temperatures or
 Dilute with Fractionated Coconut   direct sunlight.   growers and their families all over the world. Every drop of essential oil represents
 Different essential oils work    Oil for sensitive skin and   hands that have nurtured the earth for our benefit.
 for different people. When you’re   sustained absorption. Refer to   Use glass containers with
 not getting the desired results,   dōTERRA sensitivity guidelines.   your essential oils, as they can   Share with    Build an income and
 try different oils or application   For convenience, the dōTERRA   break down some plastics   SHARE  BUILD
 methods.   Touch  line has prediluted oils.  over time.  dōTERRA Products  those you love.  A dōTERRA Business  make an impact.
 Massage to increase benefits and   Avoid sun exposure for at least   dōTERRA essential oils are   Change Others’ Lives  Change Your Future
 promote rapid absorption.  12 hours after applying Lemon,   potent. Use smaller amounts   Host a dōTERRA class   Create recurring income and
 Wild Orange, Bergamot, Lime,   more frequently for best   to be of service to your friends   greater freedom by sharing
 Try different application methods:   Grapefruit, or other citrus    results.  and family.  and empowering others with
 apply under the tongue or to the   oils topically.  1                        1   natural solutions.
 bottoms of the feet, spine, or navel.
 Read labels and follow
 Use oils topically with Fractionated   recommendations.
 Coconut Oil to enjoy greater
 sustained absorption.
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