Page 14 - Cooking with Essential Oils
P. 14


        Because essential oils can provide sweet, savory, potent flavors, they make the perfect addition to your
        favorite marinades. Whether you are marinating meat, vegetables, seafood, or anything else you plan to cook
        up, adding essential oils will give your dish an extra dose of flavor. The amount of essential oil that you add to
        your marinade will depend on what you are marinating, how long the food will marinate in the mixture, and how

        much liquid the marinade has. However, it is best to add a small amount of essential oil to your marinade—
        start with one drop for most essential oils, and work your way up from there.

        Which are the best essential oils for marinades?

        Basil                       Cilantro                   Ginger                      Marjoram
        Black Pepper                Cumin                      Lemon                       Oregano
        Cardamom                    Fennel                     Lime                        Rosemary

        The following essential oil-infused marinades work well with chicken, fish, beef, pork, shrimp, vegetables, and more.

            Chili Lime Marinade                                      Sweet and Sour Marinade
            with Lime essential oil                                  with Wild Orange essential oil

            1 ½ tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped                  ½ cup balsamic vinegar
            2 tablespoons honey or agave                             ½ cup honey
            2 tablespoons water                                      ½ cup light brown sugar, packed
            8 drops Lime essential oil                               ¼ cup low-sodium soy sauce
            1 clove garlic, minced                                   2 garlic cloves, minced
            1 tablespoon chili flakes                                6–8 drops Wild Orange essential oil
            1 ½ tablespoons ginger
            2 tablespoons coconut oil

             Balsamic Rosemary Marinade                              Parsley Basil Marinade
             with Rosemary essential oil                             with Basil essential oil

             ½ cup balsamic vinegar                                  1 cup Italian parsley, chopped
             ¼ cup olive oil                                         2 cloves garlic, minced
             1 teaspoon salt                                         2 tablespoons olive oil
             2 teaspoons pepper                                      2 drops Basil essential oil
             2 drops Rosemary essential oil
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