Page 2 - 82nd Commencement
P. 2

As of 4/30/24
TBD All Staff Tie Down Meeting
Tuesday, May 21
1:00pm - 4:00pm - Holding Arena for Set-up
Wednesday, May 22
8:00am Open access to the Arena
10:30am-12:00pm - Graduation Rehearsals – Mahoney Arena and SLC
12:00pm Senior Picnic
5:00pm Out of the Arena for the evening
Thursday, May 23
1:00pm - 4:00pm - Holding Arena for Set-up
Tech Rehearsals
Speaker Rehearsals
Overnight Security
Friday, May 24
7:00am Open access to the Arena for working Staff
8:00am Parking Operations
8:00am Golf Carts in Operation
8:30am Seniors arrive to SLC. “Pin it to win it”
8:30am All Faculty and Staff Arrivals to the SLC / Arena
8:45am Staff in Place at Arena prior to doors opening
9:00am Doors open to the Mahoney Arena
10:00am Graduation Begins
151 Graduates
100 Faculty and Staff
1500 Family and Guests

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