P. 6


                                                   A    zzurro wallpaper                                                            aker Furniture                                                       C    alacatta-elite


                                                  Azzu r r o M i d- da y.                                                      Baker  Elements  offers                                                   The custard-yellow and
                                                  Crushed  by  the  fiery                                                      you  the  opportunity  to                                                 grey  veins  run  abun-
                                                  ambient air and the si-                                                      create  your ideal sofa,                                                  dantly  across this soft
                                                  lent sun, all colors turn                                                    sectional, loveseat or                                                    ivory-white       surface.
    Page No.  - 2                                 to  white.  He  finds  ref-                                                  chair. Our  classic pat-                                                  The rich and imposing

                                                                                                                               terns are easy to under-
                                                                                                                                                                                                         mixtures of colour lend
                                                  uge  in  the  fresh room
                                                  and  discovers,  on  its
                                                                                                                               are  generous.  Simply
                                                                                                                                                                                                         rial further gravitas.
                                                  walls,  surprising  grass                                                    stand and the options                                                     this already noble mate-
                                                  cloths, half visible in the                                                  make five choices — sil-                                                   Marble Lab is the  se-
            feeble light. Tonight, in the candlelight, they will reveal                  houette and depth, arm, back, base and leg — then choose                  lection of the most refined marbles by SAVOIA CANADA.
            their rich weave enhanced by warm colors. He will wait                       a finish and fabric and watch your style take shape.                      Extremely pure shades, each featured by light or very in-
            for her in the jewelry room.                                                                                                                           tense veins, as well as by typical ruffles with the authentic

                                                                                                                                                                   fascination of rare and precious quarries.
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