P. 20


                                                  F    LOOR PARQUET                                                                   AVYBLUE                                                                   ARBLE FINISH

                                                                                                                                NPAINT FINISH                                                            MCOFFE TABLE

                                                  Parquet  is essential-                                                       Navy  is  one  of  those                                                  This  is  a  deluxe  coffee
                                                  ly  made of  hardwood                                                        colors  that  boasts the                                                  table with marble top
                                                  and  therefore  can  be                                                      ability to evoke all kinds                                                featuring a solid middle
                                                                                                                               of  emotions,  depend-
                                                                                                                                                                                                         stone  base with stain-
                                                  sanded  and  refinished.
    Page No.  - 16                                Some  parquet  tiles  can                                                    ing on the tone. A deep                                                   less steel. Its overall look
                                                                                                                               blue  hue  is  sometimes
                                                                                                                                                                                                         is indeed very luxurious
                                                  be  refinished  rough-
                                                  ly  an equal number
                                                                                                                                                                                                          featuring  luxury  cof-
                                                                                                                               ative, and continually
                                                  of  times  as hardwood                                                       moody, always evoc-                                                       fee table and occasional
                                                  plank  flooring  of  simi-                                                   proves to be both time-                                                   furniture. The occasion-
            lar thickness. It is a traditional, easy to install and well                 less and trendy. It works in both masculine and feminine                  al pieces will carry this extravagant style into any living
            tried-out flooring option, and it is also known for its long                 spaces, as well as rooms large and small. It can also trans-              space.
            lifespan and natural beauty.                                                 form any backdrop, from your bedroom to your kitchen.
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