P. 9

داوـــمـلا راـــيـتـخا

                                                                          FLOOR CARBET                                                                                        Gold finish

                                                                          Any  type  of  carpet  can                                                                          Gold, is  a  supremely
                                                                          be used in  any  room,                                                                              noble  metal, creates a
                                                                          but  different  types  of                                                                           prestigious finish which

                                                                          carpet  are  more  popu-                                                                            is synonymous with pu-
                                                                          lar in certain rooms. For                                                                           rity and more common-
                                                                          example, Berber carpet,                                                                             ly  associated  with  jew-
                                                                          with its distinctive loop                                                                           ellery. Now a staple in
                                                                          pattern, works  well  in                                                                            interior design and tap

                                                                          basements,       hallways                                                                           fittings  especially,  Pol-
                                    and stairs. Textured carpet is typically used in bedrooms,                                          ished Gold is a choice made no less bold by its popularity;
                                    family rooms and dens, but can also be used in offices,                                             it is appearing increasingly in contemporary and industri-

                                    basements and hallways. Pattern carpet is popular in of-                                            al designs.
                                    fices, hallways, stairs, family rooms and bedrooms.

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