P. 8

MATERIAL SELECTION                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MATERIAL SELECTION

                                                                        abinet wood                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 OFA (FABRIC)                                                                                  LOOR WOOD FINISH
                                                                  Ctexture                                                                               CHAIR PAINT                                                                                                                                             SFINISH TEXTURE                                                                              FTEXTURE

                                                                  Wood  is a common                                                                      Spray painting is faster                                                                                                                               Cotton is a natural fiber                                                                    What is the Best Finish

                                                                  material for  kitchens,                                                                than brush painting...                                                                                                                                 that is a sofa staple for                                                                    for  Hardwood  Floors?
                                                                  from cabinets to walls                                                                 Spray paint can be used                                                                                                                                sofas for several practi-                                                                    Polyurethane  is  the
                                                                  to countertops. You can                                                                on  practically  any  sur-                                                                                                                             cal  reasons.  First, cot-                                                                   most popular finish for

                                                                  also use  wood  textures                                                               face, including wood,                                                                                                                                  ton  is among the most                                                                       floors. It's tough enough
                                                                  in  the  kitchen  in  sur-                                                             metal, wicker, plastic                                                                                                                                 cost-efficient     options                                                                   to handle constant traf-
                                                                  prising  ways to  create                                                               and resin. Spray  paint                                                                                                                                around – always a plus.                                                                      fic and is resistant to al-
                                                                  some visual interest and                                                               dries much more quickly                                                                                                                                Second,  cotton  takes                                                                       most  everything. There
                                                                  a style all your own. You                                                              than  brushed-on  paint.                                                                                         patterns and colors well, making it highly versatile.                                        are two types of polyurethane finish: oil-based (solvent

                            can use wood in unexpected ways or in unexpected places                                Spray paint is easier to apply on furniture with spindles,                                                                                                                                                                                          borne) and water-based (waterborne).
                            to make a statement in a space.                                                        small pieces, or intricate nooks and crannies.

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                                                                                                        ORCELAIN                                                                                oncrete stairs-bar                                                                                                                                       ALL PAINT                                                                             ALLPAPER
                                                                                                   PFINISH (MINT)                                                                          Ccounter                                                                                                                                              WTEXTURE                                                                              WFABRIC

                                                                                                  Suitable  For  Both  Wall                                                               Speaking  of  mainte-                                                                                                                                 The reason for priming                                                                Applying  fabric  to  a

                                                                                                  And  Floor  Application;                                                                nance,  concrete  coun-                                                                                                                               before      texture,(rarely                                                           wall with  liquid  starch
                                                                                                  Gloss Finish; Made From                                                                 tertops  do  require  con-                                                                                                                            done these days),is that                                                              is a great solution  for
                                                                                                  Porcelain  Clay.  Stone-                                                                sistent  upkeep.  You'll                                                                                                                              it  allows the  texture  to                                                           renters and commit-

                                                                                                  look porcelain or ceram-                                                                need  to  regularly  reap-                                                                                                                            adhere  and  dry  evenly.                                                             ment-phobes alike. A bit
                                                                                                  ic tiles are often in pol-                                                              ply  sealer and wax to                                                                                                                                When  applied to  a no                                                                time  intensive,  yes, but
                                                                                                  ished  finishes  to  mimic                                                              protect the surface  of                                                                                                                               primer surface, the tex-                                                              the results are just about
                                                                                                  the look of natural stone.                                                              your counters and avoid                                                                                                                               ture  reacts  different  on                                                           as good as it  gets. And
                                                            A glossy finish is different from polished in that it is creat-                         stains. Spills and messes should be cleaned up right away.                                                                                            the mud joints vs. ... When knocking down,the the texture                             unlike wallpaper, you can take it with you when you move!

                                                            ed with a glossy glaze instead of a polishing wheel process                                                                                                                                                                                   over the mud joints will drag more than the papered sur-

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