Page 60 - CASA Bulletin of Anesthiology 2021, Vol 8, No. 6 (1)
P. 60
CASA Bulletin of Anesthesiology
ASA Diagnostic POCUS Certification Program
Wang Hong, MD
In 2018, ASA formed an Ad Hoc committee regarding diagnostic point-of-care ultrasound
(POCUS) to explore a way to support the rights of POCUS practice by anesthesiologists and
provide the guidance of the scope of practice and minimum POCUS training requirements.
The Ad Hoc committee affirmed the AMA 1999 position of “ultrasound imaging is within
the scope of practice of trained physicians'' and “hospitals should grant privileges to perform
ultrasound (US) imaging in accordance with specialty-specific guidelines”. The committee
proposed primary and secondary scopes of perioperative diagnostic POCUS. The primary scope
includes focused cardiac ultrasound, focused gastric ultrasound, and focused pleural/pulmonary
ultrasound. The secondary scope includes focused airway ultrasound, focused assessment with
sonography in trauma (FAST exam), focused musculoskeletal/soft tissue ultrasound, focused
ocular ultrasound, focused renal/GU ultrasound, focused transcranial Doppler ultrasound,
focused ultrasound for deep venous thrombosis. The primary scope is part of the ACGME
training requirements and ABA exam contents. The secondary scope is relevant to certain
subspecialities and / or in special situations.
The committee also made the recommendations for the minimum requirement of supervised
Personally Performed Personally Interpreted
Primary Scope Cardiac 50 100
Gastric 30 20
Pleural/Pulmonary 30 20
Secondary Scope Airway 30 20
FAST 30 20
Musculoskeletal/Soft Tissue *** ***
Ocular *** ***
Renal/GU 30 20
Transcranial 100 n/a
Deep Venous 30 20
***Indicates areas where there is insufficient data for recommendation.
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