Page 15 - Your Leader Within Introduction
P. 15
I’ve also made choices in my life that caused great pain to myself and others. While reflecting on those decisions, I realized that, in nearly every case, something inside had warned me that it was not a good choice.
I read many books on intuition, but felt that most had missed the point about the true power of this internal leader.
After having worked with people who use the power of their intuition, I decided to do more research and interviewed people from all walks of life – company CEOs, artists, pilots, venture capitalists, full time mothers, life coaches, etc.
People like you and me who rely on clarity for living fully.
Choice vs Clarity
Often people will say that they want more choices in life. “I want to be able to choose between this job and that one or between this house and that one, or between this potential partner and that one.”
We need more clarity, not more choice.
With clarity there is no choice. You ask Your Leader Within for a clear direction, receive it and act on it.