Page 17 - Your Leader Within Introduction
P. 17
There is a sense of bliss when you are in absolute alignment with Your Leader Within. Here is a brief excerpt where Terri-Lynn describes what it is like to fully surrender to Your Leader Within.
Terri-Lynn: The Bliss of Connection
I don’t expect many people will have a purpose that requires that they give up everything and follow their guidance.
It is shown here as an example for those readers who have a desire to fully connect with the divine within to follow their purpose in life.
What is Intuition?
There are many ways to look at intuition and the role it plays in our lives.
Some describe it as “listening to God.”
Where prayer is asking, intuition is listening.
Carl Jung, the famous psychologist, described intuition as:
“The ability to acquire knowledge without inference and/or the use of reason.”